General Chiropody

General Chiropody is the treatment of skin and nail conditions such as corns, callus, hard skin and fungal infections. If you are concerned with the skin or nails on your feet then this is the treatment for you. It is also the right treatment if you just want your feet checked over or perhaps to give them a little treat for all the work they do. 

As everyone's feet are unique it is difficult to say exactly what your treatment will involve, but "general chiropody" is not usually painful, and is in fact quite relaxing for many people. Your clinician will discuss your treatment plan with you and if you have any particular concerns, please do not hesitate to raise them. 

Your treatment will usually begin with a foot bath to clean and soak the feet, then any particular concerns you may have will be addressed; such as difficult toenails, painful corns, hard skin, etc. If the podiatrist/chiropodist notices anything else then you will be made aware of it and either have it treated during this appointment, or be advised on what to do next. Creams, sprays, ointments, dressings and padding may also be applied at the end of the treatment. 

The treatment will last approximately 30 minutes, though this may be altered according to your needs after your first appointment.